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  • Programs

Life Skills / Youth Mentoring Program

The Youth Mentorship and Life Skills program is a preventative program
focusing on youth in care and young single parents. This is accomplished by individual mentorship and groups; the goal is to build character and competence on the part of the youth and parents. Through individual case management and the use of an assessment tool, youth are paired with a Mentor that will guide the youth toward their goals.

Services are provided to 8 to 18 years old’s in the following areas;

  • A life skills curriculum with an Indigenous cultural component to assist in maintaining or achieving a safe relationship with biological family
  • Provide support while attending parenting groups or sessions, treatment, education or pre-employment programs or involved in active job searches
  • Providing young moms with education/support in learning how to care for household, themselves and their babies, both physical and medically
  • Assist in location and maintaining safe, secure and affordable accommodation/housing coordination of referral to any other services that will promote a competent transition to adulthood
  • Teach coping and problem-solving skills and assist in settling up a ‘circle of support’

  • In-home visiting and hands on activities
  • Attendance in/at community activities
  • Enrollment, referrals, advocacy and be a liaison to group parenting, sports and community sessions
  • One on one counselling and group participation
  • Goal orientated transportation

Referrals are made by the Ministry of Social Services

1102 ANGUS STREET, REGINA, SK S4T 1Y5 T: (306)525-4161 F: (306) 564-6119 E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
January 16, 2019